Kinship Foster Care: What is it and How Can I Get Involved?

A boy is being taught how to bake by his foster moms.

What is Kinship Foster Care?

Kinship foster care is the placement of a foster child into a home where there is an adult relative or person with a significant relationship with the child. In Indiana, “kinship” is defined as being related by blood, such as a cousin, sibling, niece, nephew, grandchild, or other family member. In other states, you have kinship if you and the child have an existing relationship. This could mean being a friend of the family, church member, school-teacher, or day-care provider and does not require a blood relation.

In Indiana, kinship foster care is a primary focus of our Therapeutic Foster Care program. Lynne Carter, Director of Centerstone’s Foster Care Program in Indiana, explains:

“When you have a 13 year-old boy and his choices are to live with an affluent family, in a good neighborhood, where he would have his own bedroom or to live with his grandma, who lives in a small apartment and only makes enough to get by, where he sleeps on a futon or on the couch. Is he going to be more stable with someone he does not know or living with his grandma? He’s more than likely going to choose to live with his grandma because blood bonds and familial relationships are unbreakable.”

By The Numbers

The number of children in need of loving foster families is growing exponentially, partially fueled by the ongoing opioid epidemic. Currently, there are more than 437,000 American children in foster care and many of these children have experienced trauma, abuse, or neglect. According to recent data published in the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics:

  1. Nearly 90% of young children entering the foster care system have physical health problems
  2. 55% have two or more chronic conditions
  3. A large number of children in foster care are in need of behavioral health assistance

Kinship Fostering: Support and Success with Centerstone

For many of these children, kinship fostering could be the answer. A stable home environment, like those found in kinship fostering placements, are proven to have positive effects on a child’s development and successes in their adult life.

Like other foster families, kinship foster caregivers can face challenges and do need support. Grandparents, for instance, might face health, wellness, or aging issues. They may need financial help for food and clothing, or health insurance. They may even need a break, especially now during the COVID-19 pandemic where many schools and educational programs have closed. Fortunately, with Centerstone’s Therapeutic Foster Care Program, we provide education, support, and therapeutic mental health services throughout the entire process.

Currently offered in Indiana and Tennessee, Centerstone’s Therapeutic Foster Care Program works with families to strengthen every aspect of each kid’s well-being — mental, physical, educational, social, and spiritual.

To learn more about Centerstone's foster care services, you can explore the process and requirements in either Indiana or Tennessee, as well as visit our FAQ section. If you have further questions or are interested in starting your fostering journey today, please fill out our interest form and we'll be in touch.

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