In times past, people who didn’t fit within the traditional roles or confines of society could be denied the opportunity to foster or adopt children, simply because of ignorance and […]
Category: posts
Tennessee Foster Parents are a Bridge of Hope
Children are the future of every community, and that means every child. Unfortunately, some children find themselves in circumstances that are unsafe and unsustainable. Their biological parents may have hit […]
Creating a Legacy – How Tennessee Foster Parents Help Shape the Future
What is a legacy? As an adult, something you may have considered is what your legacy will be, especially after you are gone. A legacy is the impact you can […]
Three Compelling Reasons to Become a Foster Parent, and One Reason Not To
First, Let’s Start with the Positives If you are called to become a foster parent, the rewards are many. To narrow it down a little, we’ve picked three main reasons […]
How Fostering Siblings Can Multiply Your Joy as a Foster Parent
If you’ve heeded the call to help children in need and become a Tennessee foster parent, one of the most profound ways you can have the greatest positive impact is […]
A Reason, A Season or Forever: Every Foster Family’s Story is Different
They say that every human being has a story. The same could be said for every foster child and foster family. Some children come into foster care after experiencing some […]
What makes a great foster parent
People are often hesitant about entering the world of foster care. Even if fostering is something they want to do, there are a variety of reasons they may feel unqualified […]
Kinship Foster Care: What is it and How Can I Get Involved?
What is Kinship Foster Care? Kinship foster care is the placement of a foster child into a home where there is an adult relative or person with a significant relationship […]
Transition Planning for Foster Youth with Disabilities: Are We Falling Short?
Nationally, approximately 20,000 youth “age out” of foster care each year, typically when they turn 18. These youth face extraordinary challenges to becoming successful adults, and the transition outcomes for […]
Parenting the Adopted and Foster Care Adolescent
Most birth parents worry about their child when he or she reaches adolescence. Will the child who was once easygoing and helpful become moody and disrespectful? Will the child who […]